What's Happening

Seminaries have traditionally done a good job of training pastors to preach meaningfully and minister pastorally, but in this workshop Dr. Peters will show that the Biblical role of overseer includes much more, including: the knowledge and skills needed to cast God's vision for the church, to inspire committed discipleship, to define the specific path the local church should follow, and to lead the church toward fulfillment of the Great Commission in the community and throughout the world.
Registration includes:
4-Hour Workshop
A copy of the book: The Overseer: The Missing Jewel in the Crown of Glory
Box Lunch
Registration for this $99 event is only $25 per person thanks to the generous support of the BSCM and Motor Cities Association
Tuesday, September 12 9a-1p: Lakepointe Church, 53245 Van Dyke Ave., Shelby Twp., MI 48316
Save The Date

Associational Vision Dinner
October 12th - 6:30p
Save the date for this important event. We will share where we are headed in 2024 and beyond!
New Generations
Join us on September 23:
Sending Out A New Generation
Across The Planet!

When: Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
- Time: 9:00am - 2:00 pm
Where: Mile City Church, 13100 Haggerty Rd, Plymouth 48170
Who: high school age to 30 year old young adults
Cost: Nope
Food: Yup
Featured Guests:
Patrick Schwartz, NextGen Director for the International Mission Board, Richmond, VA
Julius Tennal, International Missions Director for Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC
Tiffany Monroe, International Missionary Among a Difficult to Reach Population
Matt Wagner, Film Maker and Worship Leader, Westside Church, Flushing, MI
More FAQs:
Why bring your high school students & your young adults up to 30 years of age?
• They’ll discover clear pathways of overseas service that are short-term volunteer roles, & 2-year or lifetime roles that are paid: www.imb.org/go-impact/ is an example for youth.
Who is sponsoring this event?
• The International Mission Board & Send Network Michigan are cosponsoring this event because we are certain the Lord wants to call Michiganders to serve overseas.
Who is leading this event?
• Matt Wagner, an adult missionary kid, will lead the worship band. Patrick & Tiffany of the International Mission Board will explain how the IMB becomes family. Julius will explain how his church in North Carolina sends an amazing number of volunteers across the globe every year.
Who can attend to this event?
• Youth & young adults from churches who contribute to the Cooperative Program.
When do I show up?
• Saturday, September 23, 2023, from 9 am to 2 pm
Where where do I go?
• Mile City Church, 13100 Haggerty Road, Plymouth, Michigan – a factory-chic place!
What does it cost the youth or young adults to attend?
• No cost to the teens, the young adults, or their churches. They’ll even receive swag!
Will we eat?
• YUP, you will eat twice! Chick-fil-A will feed us a morning start & a midday meal.
What can I expect?
• Worship, testimonies, a scavenger hunt, breakouts, & friendly competitions/collaborations.
Will we really award $2,000 worth of prizes through drawings?
• Count on it! Five reimbursement prizes valued at $200 each to purchase passports & two reimbursement prizes valued at $500 each to help the winner travel overseas during 2024.
Youth Choir

Golgotha Romanian Baptist Church, an ethnic church of Warren, would like to have our youth (choir, orchestra, and worship team) join in a regular Sunday worship service with a church in the metro area, preferably a smaller congregation in a Sunday afternoon, but open to morning services and larger churches also.
Aim: to give our youth an occasion to serve the Lord, have fellowship with other Christians and eventually encourage smaller and older communities.
The roughly 25-member group includes the pastor (and his guitar) and is not a professional one but dedicated to praising the Lord. They mostly learn to play their instruments in school.
The program could include 2-3 congregational songs, led by the worship team, 2 orchestra songs, and 2 choral songs depending on the need of the local church and time allocated.
We would welcome a return visit also.
Our seniors have survived hard times of communist oppression and persecution and learned the importance of the unity of the body of Christ. To God be the Glory!
Contact info:
Pastor Stefan Ghinescu
Doru Radu